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- Hardware Solution to Synchronization
Hardware Solution to Synchronization: (Test & Set)
The critical problem can be solved in a single-processor system at hardware level. We can stop interrupts to occur during modification of a shared variable so that the instruction can be executed without preemption. This solution is not applicable in multi-processor system because disabling of interrupts is time-consuming.
Many machines provide hardware instruction to test and modify a word and swap the contents of words atomically without any interruption. The TestAndSet instruction is executed atomically.
The definition of TestAndSet is as follows:
boolean TestAndSet (boolean &target)
boolean rv = target;
target = true;
return rv;
A machine that supports TestAndSet instruction, can implement mutual exclusion by using a Boolean variable lock, initialized to false. The structure of such implementation is as follows:
while (1)
while (TestAndSet(Iock));
critical section;
lock = false;
remainder section;
The Swap instruction is also executed atomically and operates on two word to interchange their contents.
The definition of Swap is as follows:
void Swap(boolean &a, boolean &b)
boolean temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
The implementation of TestAndSet is as follows:
while (1)
waiting[I] = true;
key = true;
while (waiting[l] && key)
key = TestAndSet(lock);
waiting[I] = false;
critical section;
j = (I+1) % n;
while ((j != I) && !waiting[j]) j = (j+1)% n;
lock = false;
waiting[j] = false;
Mutual Exclusion: Here, Pi can enter its critical section only if either waiting[i] is true or key is false. The value of key can be false only if TestAndSet instruction is executed. When a process executes, it will find key = false. The remaining processes will have to wait. The value of waiting[i] can be false only if another process leaves its critical section: In this way, only one waiting[i] is false, which maintains mutual exclusion.
Progress: A process that leaves its critical section either sets lock to false or sets Waiting[j] to false. It allows a waiting process to enter its critical section.
Bounded Waiting: A process that leaves its critical section, visits the array in a cycle and finds out any process with waiting[j] = true. It designates that process to enter its critical section. The selected process will also do so when leaving its critical section.