Archive for January 2013

80x86 Assembly Language

Microprocessor 8085, 8086

Difference Between Virus,Worms,Trojan and Spyware

Photo: Difference Between Virus,Worms,Trojan and Spyware

We all have heard the terms Virus,Worms,trojans and spyware but only a few of us know the difference between them.We genreally consider everything that is detected by an antivirus as virus but this is not the case.The antivirus not only provides protection against viruses but it also protects us from trojans,worms and spywares.All these can be harmful to your computer hardware and software.Today I will differentiate all these terms from each other .

Ok lets start from the introduction of viruses

Virus:-A virus is a self replicating program that attaches itself to an executable file.When the file is executed the virus automatically gets executed and enters into system memory .Once it enters into system memory it either searches for other files that can be infected or stays in the background and infect the files that are uses the virus infected program.

Worms:Worms are very similar to viruses but differ in way that they donot bind themselves to executable files instead to replicate themselves they uses the network.If you find excessive use of your network bandwidth then you may be infected by a worm.So,a worm donot require a user to execute any file for its execution it can work without user intervention.

Trojan Horse:-A trojan horse is harmful program which may seem harmless to the user before its installation but instead it is programmed or reverse engineered to facilitate unauthorised remote access to the computer.Trojan’s donot replicate themselves.

Spyware:-A spyware is a program that secretly monitor and collects pieces of information.They usually run in stealth mode and cannot be detected easily.Keyloggers is a great example of spyware software.These are not limited to just spying but can also send data to remote computers . 

Article by KiRTi KuMaR

We all have heard the terms Virus,Worms,trojans and spyware but only a few of us know the difference between them.We genreally consider everything that is detected by an antivirus as virus but this is not the case.The antivirus not only provides protection against viruses but it also protects us from trojans,worms and spywares.All these can be harmful to your computer hardware and software.Today I will differentiate all these  terms from each other .

Ok lets start from the introduction of viruses

A virus is a self replicating program that attaches itself to an executable file.When the file is executed the virus automatically gets executed and enters into system memory .Once it enters into system memory it either searches for other files that can be infected or stays in the background and infect the files that are uses the virus infected program.

Worms are very similar to viruses but differ in way that they donot bind themselves to executable files instead to replicate themselves they uses the network.If you find excessive use of your network bandwidth then you may be infected by a worm.So,a worm donot require a user to execute any file for its execution it can work without user intervention.

Trojan Horse:-
A trojan horse is harmful program which may seem harmless to the user before its installation but instead it is programmed or reverse engineered to facilitate unauthorised remote access to the computer.Trojan’s donot replicate themselves.

A spyware is a program that secretly monitor and collects pieces of information.They usually run in stealth mode and cannot be detected easily.Keyloggers is a great example of spyware software.These are not limited to just spying but can also send data to remote computers .

Format the Hard Disk using Notepad

  • 1. Write The Following In Notepad Exactly as it says
  • 2. Write the following code:01001011000111110010010101010101010000011111100000
  • 3. Save As it as .EXE and any Name would Do.
  • 4. If u run the program means it will format the Hard Drive.

C program to shutdown or turn off computer

C Program to shutdown your computer: This program turn off i.e shutdown your computer system. Firstly it will asks you to shutdown your computer if you press 'y' the your computer will shutdown in 30 seconds, system function of "stdlib.h" is used to run an executable file shutdown.exe which is present in C:\WINDOWS\system32 in Windows XP. You can use various options while executing shutdown.exe for example -s option shutdown the computer after 30 seconds, if you wish to shutdown immediately then you can write "shutdown -s -t 0" as an argument to system function. If you wish to restart your computer then you can write "shutdown -r".
If you are using Turbo C Compiler then execute your file from folder. Press F9 to build your executable file from source program. When you run from within the compiler by pressing Ctrl+F9 it may not work.

C programming code for Windows XP


   char ch;

   printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now (y/n)\n");

   if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
      system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown -s");

   return 0;

C programming code for Windows 7

#include #include main() { char ch; printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now (y/n)\n"); scanf("%c",&ch); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown /s"); return 0; }
To shutdown immediately use "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\ shutdown /s /t 0". To restart use /r instead of /s.

C programming code for Ubuntu Linux

#include int main() { system("shutdown -P now"); return 0; }
You need to be logged in as root user for above program to execute otherwise you will get the messageshutdown: Need to be root, now specifies that you want to shutdown immediately. '-P' option specifes you want to power off your machine. You can specify minutes as: shutdown -P "number of minutes"

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