Archive for March 2013

Java Programming Language – Lecture Slides

Java Programming Language – Lecture Slides

These lecture slides covers introduction to Java as a programming language and its Object-oriented concepts, GUI, events programming, exceptions, threads, java collections framework and network and socket programming concepts.
Lecture 1 – Introduction
Lecture 2 – Anatomy of java
Lecture 3 – Language constructs
Lecture 4 – Classes and objects 
Lecture 5 – Object-oriented java
Lecture 6 – Java classes and packages
Lecture 7 – Polymorphism interfaces
Lecture 8 – Abstract classes interfaces
Lecture 9 – Exceptions
Lecture 10 – Strings
Lecture 11 – GUI-I
Lecture 12 – GUI-II
Lecture 13 – Events
Lecture 14 – Event handling
Lecture 15a – Applets-1
Lecture 15b – Applets-2
Lecture 16 – Threads-1
Lecture 17 – Threads-2
Lecture 18 – Synchronization
Lecture 19a – More threads
Lecture 19b – Thread example
Lecture 20 – Deadlock
Lecture 21 – Java collection framework
Lecture 22 – Java collection framework-II
Lecture 23 – Java collection framework-III
Lecture 24 – Sockets and network programming
Lecture 25 – I/O streams
Lecture 26 – Networking in Java
Lecture 27 – UDP
Lecture 28 – Networking Example
Lecture 29 – JDBC
Java Design Patterns – Lecture Slides
These lecture slides are for the advanced Java programmers. In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. A design pattern is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.

Definitions of Artificial Intelligence

Herbert Simon: 
We call programs intelligent if they exhibit behaviors that would be regarded intelligent if they were exhibited by human beings.

Elaine Rich: 
AI is the study of techniques for solving exponentially hard problems in polynomial time by exploiting knowledge about the problem domain.

Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight: 
AI is the study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better.
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig: [AI] has to do with smart programs, so let's get on and write some.

Avron Barr and Edward Feigenbaum: 
Physicists ask what kind of place this universe is and seek to characterize its behavior systematically. Biologists ask what it means for a physical system to be living. We in AI wonder what kind of information-processing system can ask such questions.

Claudson Bornstein: 
AI is the science of common sense.

Douglas Baker: 
AI is the attempt to make computers do what people think computers cannot do.

Astro Teller: 
AI is the attempt to make computers do what they do in the movies.

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