• MOV instruction is a copy instruction.
  • MOV copies the source operand to the destination operand without affecting the source.

        ; Immediate value moves
                mov     ax, 7       ; Immediate to register
                mov     mem, 7      ; Immediate to memory direct
                mov     mem[bx], 7  ; Immediate to memory indirect 
        ; Register moves
                mov     mem, ax     ; Register to memory direct
                mov     mem[bx], ax ; Register to memory indirect
                mov     ax, bx      ; Register to register
                mov     ds, ax      ; General register to segment register
        ; Direct memory moves
                mov     ax, mem     ; Memory direct to register
                mov     ds, mem     ; Memory to segment register
        ; Indirect memory moves
                mov     ax, mem[bx] ; Memory indirect to register
                mov     ds, mem[bx] ; Memory indirect to segment register
        ; Segment register moves
                mov     mem, ds     ; Segment register to memory
                mov     mem[bx], ds ; Segment register to memory indirect
                mov     ax, ds      ; Segment register to general register
        ; Move immediate to segment register
                mov     ax, DGROUP  ; Load AX with immediate value
                mov     ds, ax      ; Copy AX to segment register
        ; Move memory to memory
                mov     ax, mem1    ; Load AX with memory value
                mov     mem2, ax    ; Copy AX to other memory
        ; Move segment register to segment register
                mov     ax, ds      ; Load AX with segment register
                mov     es, ax      ; Copy AX to segment register

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