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- Intro to Algorithms - Lydia Sinapova
Lecture Notes
Based on Mark Allen Weiss,
Based on Mark Allen Weiss,
ISBN 0-321-37013-9
- Mathematical review (PPT frames) (PPT printable) (PDF)
- Basic Algorithm Analysis
- Data structures
- Lists and Stacks (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Queues (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Trees (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Binary search trees, (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Digital / Radix trees (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- AVL trees (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Hash tables
- Hash functions, Hash tables (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Collision resolution: Separate chaining (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Collision resolution: Open Addressing. Extendible hashing, (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Priority Queues (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Applications of Priority Queues - the Selection Problem (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Sorting Algorithms
- Insertion Sort (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Shell Sort (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Heapsort (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Recurrence relations
- Mergesort (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Quick Sort (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- External Sort
- Review of sorting algorithms
- Elementary Graph Algorithms
- Graphs: Basic concepts (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Graphs: Topological sort (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Shortest Path Algorithms ( PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Spanning Trees, Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm (PPT frames) (PPT printable)
- Scheduling Networks (PPT frames) (PPT printable )
- Breadth-First and Depth-First Search in a Graph (PPT frames) (PPT printable )
- Applications of Depth-First Search: Connectivity (PPT frames) (PPT printable )
- Applications of Depth-First Search in a Graph - Eulerian Graphs
- Summary of Graph Algorithms (PPT frames) (PPT printable )
- Algorithm Design Techniques (Summary) (PPT frames) (PPT printable )
- Complexity Issues (PPT frames) (PPT printable )
- Conclusion